Alexander Stevenson - Project Manager

I am the Project Manager for the project. I communicate with the corporate sponsor and do most of the communication with our faculty sponsor. I also helped create the project requirements, outline, and ensure that we are taking the proper steps to develop the required deliverables. I am also working on development of the project and during the testing phase will be able to test in the environment that it will be used in.
Daniel Brink - Delivery Manager

My name is Daniel Brink, I'm 25 years old and a Software Engineer. My role for this project is Delivery Manager, as I keep the team updated on relevant events and deadlines, and take care of much behind-the-scenes management not directly related to development.
Jacob Cram - Test Engineer

My name is Jacob Cram and I am going to act as the Test Engineer for our project. I am a 22 year old Senior in Software Engineering. I will lead the group in the testing plan that we will use in order to make sure that we are keeping testing updated and consistent with our needs while working with the entire group on coordinating this testing.
Sean Sailer - Software Developer, Tester

My name is Sean Sailer, and I'm a 21 year old senior studying software engineering at Iowa State University. I study full-time, and work part-time as a full-stack web developer at a company called Thinix, where we specialize in internet connectivy and monitoring. Outside of school, my hobbies include playing chess, watching football, playing video games, and hanging out with my friends. As a member of this team, my role is as a software developer and test. I will be writing code and testing it to ensure the program works, has no errors or vulnerabilities, and maintains a small size and fast speed.
John Young - Software Developer, Meeting Facilitator

My name is John Young and I will act as the meeting facilitator and developer. I am 21 years old and I am a senior studying Software Engineering. I intern part time at EMC Insurance. There I develop both backend and frontend for integrations. I will help develop code and communicate with my team and advisors for setting up meetings. I also will help with testing when needed. My main purpose is to help find the best times for my team.