Senior Design Team sdmay20-58 • K8s Checkmate

Helm is one of the most popular Kubernetes management frameworks. The goal of this project is to create a tool that scans helm and Kubernetes config files checking for settings or configurations which violate a specified ruleset.

E.g. A developer writes helm charts to run and build their specific portion of an application. When the developer makes the pull request, the build will need to be reviewed for quality assurance and security reasons. The person conducting the security review would run the tool against the ruleset defined for production repos.

Example rules:

  • Not running root by default
  • Ensuring every port is not open
  • Ensure that default credentials are not being used
  • Ensure that it is using the proper default gateway
  • Etc
  • The tool will write the checks and their results to standard output as well as to a separate file. This allows for the reviewer to easily take action to remedy discovered issues.